I must be doing something right -- she loves Bowie

Enveloped by darkness and with an empty road ahead of us, we could intently listen to the songs' various elements -- their lyrical touches and musical arrangements.
I explained that while I can never make sense of "Life on Mars" -- "see the mice in their million hordes from Ibiza to the Norfolk Broads" -- Bowie sings it with such conviction and emotional intensity that it has become one of my anthems.
Maybe I'll figure out what he's singing about in the future, but I love the song so much it doesn't really matter.
The few minutes of listening must have made an impression on Kerstin. Vacationing this week with our younger daughter ANNIKA with grandparents in RENO, Kerstin posted lyrics to some of her favorite songs last night.
"Life on Mars" was included, so I must be doing something right.